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in[+]frame introduces photographer Costas Masseras

Thanos Savvidis

In[+]frame introduces Costas Masseras, a remarkable and authentic photographer who lives in Athens, Greece. With people being an essential element in his compositions, Masseras manages to capture scenes of everyday life in a unique way, creating symbolisms and messages, emotions and tensions, and most of all beautiful images. Additionally, his work on portraits over the last years is an exceptional example of how subjects can be related with space and form in general. Besides, his portraits of women -adding up to the majority of his portraits- bring forth plenty of archetypical references, which unconsciously elevate woman nature into an elusive and somehow sacred dimension. But let us see a few selections we made from the photographer's work in the relative in[+]frame gallery here.

"...Photography is the way to bring reality close to my standards. If I can't change it, I can barely transform it, good enough in order to compromise with it..."

Thanos Savvidis

"...Stating from the beginning what is important and what is not, what could be regarded as beautiful, or ugly, what would be funny or sad. It is a try to put in order all things of this chaotic world around me and inside me..."

"...Images introduce another way of communication. What is entitled inside the frame's four angles, presuppose the aesthetic viewpoint of the creator.

So my photographs refer to others, but still speak enough about me..."

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